Column Franchise+ – mr. J Sterk: “Court orders fast food chain to extend franchise agreement

The right to extend the franchise agreement 

The case is set to begin this year. The franchisee has been refusing for years to sign the new franchise agreement that is offered upon renewal, as this would entail a deterioration of his legal position. However, the franchisor considers the existing franchise agreement outdated and strives for uniformity. However, the franchisee wants to negotiate the content with his lawyer first. The franchisor does not like this and points out that due to the conflict that has arisen and the interference of the lawyer, fruitful cooperation would no longer be possible. The franchisor then terminates the franchise agreement. The franchisee then starts summary proceedings. The court is of the opinion that the franchisor was too hasty and should have negotiated the terms of the extension with the franchisee and his lawyer. The franchisor is sentenced to extend the franchise agreement until an irrevocable decision has been made in proceedings on the merits that have apparently yet to be started, and that can take years, including an appeal and possibly even cassation.

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